Value of more than R51,5 million has been awarded to loyalty customers, mainly in shares

Participating customers have earned a distribution value of R51,5 million over the past five seasons of NWK’s Loyalty Programme. The Omnia Award amounts to a further R3,1 million, and the value of the total award is therefore R52,6 million.

A total of 9 111 006 shares in NWK Holdings have already been allocated, which amounts to about 7% of the total shares of NWK Holdings issued and traded by the loyalty programme just over the past five years. Roughly R1,9 million was made available as credit for further purchases.

12.8 m

Number of loyalty points that our customers have earned since 2017

R51.5 m

Value of points awarded by NWK since 2017

3 314

Accounts linked to registrations since 2017

R1.89 m

Cash as credit for further purchases paid out to customers

What the competition rules determine...

A summary of the competitions for which loyalty customers qualify, the specific competition rules for the programme and the NWK group’s guidelines with regard to competitions appear in this section.

1. R4 500 NWK Retail voucher

On registration – stand a chance of winning a R4 500 NWK Retail voucher

2. R4 000 NWK Retail voucher

One lucky customer who registers stands a chance of winning a R4 000 NWK Retail voucher and a R15 000 LekkeSlaap gift voucher by the end of April

3. Monthly Prizes

Monthly purchases (per R500 of qualifying purchases)

  • 1st prize: R2 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • 2nd prize: R1 500 NWK Retail voucher
  • 3rd prize: R1 000 NWK Retail voucher

4. Category prizes

Top points earners in the following product categories:

  • Animal health and feed: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Agricultural chemicals: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Agricultural seed: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Fertiliser: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Fuel and lubricants: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Building materials: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Irrigation: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Mechanisation: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Most points from purchases: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher
  • Best growth in points year-on-year: R5 000 NWK Retail voucher


A wise person does not necessarily know everything himself, but knows where to look. Here are a few questions that customers regularly ask about the loyalty programme.

Where can I view my loyalty points?

Loyalty points are available on NWK Online when customers sign in on their profile.

How do I know my registration has been approved?

As soon as a registration has been approved, a customer will receive an email and an SMS to confirm this. This can also be seen when customers sign in on their profile on NWK Online.

How do I know how my value earned was used?

The value earned is either credited to a customer’s NWK account or, if they are registered for the loyalty programme as a bona fide producer, the value is used to purchase NWK Holdings shares on behalf of the customer. Customers annually receive an official letter by email indicating the value earned and exactly how it was used.

Can I register for the programme at an NWK store or silo?

Complete a brief registration process by going to and clicking on Register. If you get stuck during the process, an NWK store or silo will gladly assist you with the process.

Why are the points earned with grain deliveries to NWK not yet visible?

Grain points are calculated and displayed after NWK’s financial year-end and after the financial statements have been finalised. The total points pool for the grain segment is calculated according to how the profit compares to that of the trade segment. After the points pool has been established, it is divided proportionately in the ratio of every account holder’s grain deliveries to total grain deliveries.

How do I update my details?

Customers can update their details by requesting the changes that are required on NWK’s customer service portal [add link to customer service portal here] or by sending an email to

Can I register for the loyalty programme if I make only cash purchases and do not have an NWK account number?

Anyone can register for the loyalty programme. However, an NWK account number is used to identify you on the system. If you do only cash business with NWK and do not have an account number, an account number will be issued to you when the registration is approved (the account will have no credit facilities and is intended only to identify transactions for loyalty points).

Do I need a loyalty programme card to earn points?

Registration for the programme is not linked to a card, but to a customer’s NWK account number. If you do only cash business with NWK and do not have an account number, an account number would have been issued after the registration had been approved. This account will have no credit facilities and is intended only to identify transactions for loyalty points. You should therefore make sure that you provide your account number and that it is captured on the system when you make purchases or when grain is delivered to NWK to make sure that your transactions have been taken into account for loyalty points.

How are my points calculated?

Points earned with purchases are determined by the gross profit of the transaction concerned. For every R100 of gross profit realised, a customer earns one point. Points per ton of grain delivered are calculated after NWK’s financial year-end and are determined by the extent to which the grain segment’s profit compares to that of the trade segment.

What is the value of one NWK Loyalty Programme point?

The value of one point differs from one year to the next. The board of NWK annually determines an amount on the basis of NWK’s financial performance. This amount is then allocated to the loyalty programme and is divided by the total pool of points earned to calculate a value per point for the relevant year. The average value of a point over the past four years was approximately R3,00 each.

I am registered for the programme, but how do I make sure that I earn points on the grain I deliver to NWK?

To ensure that points are earned for the tons delivered, you provide your NWK account number so that it can be captured on the system when grain is delivered to NWK. If your account number is entered during delivery, the delivery advice will contain your NWK account number.

Why must I register for NWK Online?

NWK Online is a platform where loyalty programme points can be viewed, but it also provides access to a variety of functions, like detailed information per transaction, duplicate invoices, account statements, grain deliveries, farm maps and contracts.

I have forgotten my NWK Online password. How do I reset it?

Customers can reset their password by going to NWK’s website and clicking on NWK Online. Then click on My NWK Online, which takes you to a logon screen. On the logon screen is a “reset password” button to select. Key in your cellphone number when requested to do so. When you have selected the “reset password” button, a unique number will be sent to you via SMS. You can log on with this and then enter a new password.

018 633 1000

To talk to an NWK Financing consultant.


from your nearest Retail store or from any NWK Grain silo.

Contact us

Visit NWK’s customer services portal for enquiries, suggestions, complaints or compliments.